My blog

This blog was initially about my "Erasmus in India" (Exchange program at IIMB, Indian Institute of Management Bangalore). As I’m back in India, this blog currently relates my life as an expat.

For more informative posts about the country and/or my previous travel experiences, check the sidebar.
More than 200 posts and two years of blogging! Don't hesitate to comment!

My blog was initially written for my friends and relatives. Few of them read it on a regular basis. What they want is to hear me TALK about my life in India… Me, passionate, almost hysterical... Strangely, my readership is a lot more diverse and large than expected. On one side, many Indians end up on my blog via the “indianblogger” ranking. On the other, many indiafreaks, expatriates and exchange students visit my blog to learn more about the country. This blog also gave me the opportunity to join the Belgian delegation in Bangalore.